Touch to Clean

Incredible Power

Superclothy nice and useful by Touch to Clean®.


  • The Superclothy of the “Preziosa” line by Touch to Clean® is made of a noble and precious fibre which is viscose.
    Noble because the basis of the fibre comes from cellulose which at his time has been taken from a vegetal basis
    and nothing is more noble than a fibre with a natural origin.
  • Precious because of the proper shiny and the silky sensation when you touch it which makes it particularly
    beautiful to look at and comfortable to use.
  • The elegant combination of colours and not at least the pleasure of patterns with which the Superclothy of the line
    “Preziosa” by Touch to Clean® make of it a working instrument and at the same time a most beautiful accessory for
    Your home which fits in any household
  • The superclothy of the line “Preziosa” by Touch to Clean® is offered in a range of colours/patterns which is difficult
    to count
    , by buying more then one you may change the look of your kitchen whenever you change it for washing it.

Characteristics and use:

  • The fibre, the kind of weaving and the measurements make it insuperable to dry and kind of object or surface, when
    really moist do only wring it out, due to the quick release of the absorbed water you can easily bring to an end quantity
    of work.

Care Instructions:

  • Wash by hand or in washing machine with normal detergent, iron and steam art medium temperature.

touch to cleancrystals
touch to cleansteel
touch to cleanceramic
touch to cleandesign

100% viscose.

Made and distributed by:
Intertex s.r.l.

Made in Italy